
  • The Association is responsible for lawn care and maintenance.

  • This service is part of your Association's monthly dues.

  • Accent Lighting: Accent lighting must be approved.

  • Seasonal Flowers: Placeholder

  • Bushes or Dead Plants: Placeholder

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  • Homeowners may submit requests to fence in their backyards to the Architectural Review Committee. You can send a form by clicking HERE.

  • Fences once approved and installed must be maintained by the homeowner.

  • Landscape and lawns INSIDE the fence must be maintained by the homeowner. 

  • Fences must be UNLOCKED at ALL TIMES. 



Nature Trails 

  • Our community is on a 10 Acre Property.

  • Trees are trimmed and serviced on certain dates throughout the year.

  • Owners are usually alerted prior to the tree work being performed and that is the best time to note any concerns to the board.

  • If there is an urgent issue, please contact HMS. HMS will alert the board to the issue.

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